Times Of Change

The circumstances of the world are so inconsistent that an immutable determination or belief is almost identical with an imprudent one.

Private International Offshoring Debit Card

Do you have unspecified debit card?

Offshore corporate bank account such as the one offered at 2-getcash.com offers a virtual wallet and MasterCard debit card that is flexible to ATMs around the world. Your name doesn’t appear on the card so the card does not tie up to the signatory bank account, but rather the anonymous bearer shares the corporation itself. The debit card is issued in one of Panama’s largest banks. Upon using the card the money is withdrawn directly from the client’s bank account. There are no card load fees because the company and the bank look forward to long term banking business with their clients.

How anonymous does this MasterCard debit card gets?

Don’t be deceived by offers of other debit cards that have your names listed on the card. This only means that your name is being transmitted to the global visa database. The database is used around the world upon doing an online transaction and is easily retrieved. A debit card that engraves your name in it eliminates your offshore banking privacy. With 2-getcash, they offer clients a MasterCard debit card with only the name of the corporation in it. The clients name is not reveal on the card, on it’s magnetic script or in the global visa database.

What to avoid ensuring that the debit card you are using isn’t a scam?

So called fly-by-night debit card operators are operators who doesn’t have a banking license. They are not required to issue debit cards in most jurisdictions. Usually these operators do not care who they sell to. There is a tendency that the clients money is being mixed with narcotic traffickers and money launderers. Without any notice the card network goes down and the client discovers that their ATM no longer works. All the money loaded in that card will be lost. Bank cards that are issued by the corporation have a MasterCard logo and double as a MasterCard debit. These are trustworthy and accepted everywhere.


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