Times Of Change

The circumstances of the world are so inconsistent that an immutable determination or belief is almost identical with an imprudent one.

Reloadable Debit Card

Along the popularity of stored value cards comes another form “Pre-paid debit card” in which marketer’s think that it would click to an estimate of 70% to 80% of people in the U.S who lack basic banking accounts. These cards look like credit cards but would act as a debit card that will be able to substitute cash for everyday expenses such as purchasing gasoline, restaurant tabs and groceries.

Advocates of these pre-paid cards say that it is safer and more convenient for consumers than carrying cash around. It is accessible to those who don’t have or has a poor credit history.

Due to the estimated $117 billion purchases of the pre-paid debit card. Regulators and law enforcement officials have raised concerns about its potential for abuse. The reloadable pre-paid debit cards are issued by banks but sold by companies through ordinary retail outlets.

As of today, marketers aim for this product to produce financial literacy among unbanked consumers who live at or are below poverty line that tends to fall outside the radar of bank marketing programs. These pre-paid debit cards are cost efficient to the banking industry in terms of reducing the number of paper checks. Pre-paid debit cards are a way for banks to embark on building customer history with people they never had establish contact with.

Awareness for Debit Card Overdrafts

Compared to a credit card, debit cards are safer in tendency of debt junkie issues. They constrain the amount of your expenditures on how much you have in your account. On the other hand debit cards sometimes creates a problem, these are called overdraft charges.

What is a debit card overdraft?

Debit card overdraft is an act or instance of overdrawing a checking account. These are credits provided by a bank in honoring a customer’s overdraft.

How could we avoid these overdraft fees?

• You should not be fooled by online statements that indicate the amount in your bank account.
• Balance your checkbooks just like the old days when you are doing paper checks.
• Always keep track on what you are spending. Remember to set aside the receipts and record of each ATM withdrawals.
• For students, ask your parents to be co-owners of your debit card accounts.
• Always keep an extra fund for your account and if you are purchasing gasoline consider paying cash than using your debit card.

Ways on how to stop overdraft charges:

• Prevent overdraft charges by removing the bank overdraft protection feature from your debit card account.
• Use the balance inquiry function at the ATM if the bank that you are in transaction with offers it.
• Ask your banks customer service representative if they offer warning services that sends messages on your mobile or an e-mail message stating your account balance when it fall below a certain level.
• Consider applying for a different form of protection overdraft that allows you to link a secondary savings account to your main account.
If you have noticed that you have been paying overdraft fees lately please follow the tips above. These may help you in eliminating those overdraft fees. Allowing one or two withdrawal slips through could result to an overdraft especially when your account balance is low.

Increasing Flow of the Mobile Banking Industry Today

In the past few months there was found an increase in number of institutions pursuing the initiatives of mobile banking. Despite this, there are still various questions remaining such as which delivery model is best, whether consumers really needs the service and how banks realize their ROI’s.

For almost five years of lying on quiescent mode, mobile banking is one of the fastest growing services in our financial market today. Top 10 of U.S banks are running their own mobile banking solutions. Also, several financial institutions are busy finding their places in the mobile banking world.

Mobile banking first appeared in the U.S a little before the year 2000. For the past few years after it had launched, most of the banks abandoned their prior efforts.
Now, there are several factors on why banks are choosing on giving the mobile banking service a shot. One of these is an increase in uptake of mobile phones/cellular phones nationwide, in particular smarter phones and newer brands. Another is, the consumerization of IT is the trend. Most consumers of our mobile technology today are younger generation, most of the time they are comfortable using mobile functions such as sending and receiving text messages, checking game scores and buying ring tones. Now more and more of them are accepting recent mobile services such as banking and making payments.

Over the U.S mobile usage have increased to 58% in the past 6 years and still the number keeps getting higher and higher each passing month.

Pay off debt to survive the credit crunch

Debts can eat away a major part of your paycheck each month. During the ongoing credit crunch, such a scenario isn’t desirable though. If you are in debt and if the liquidity crunch has affected you badly, you have few options to wrestle out of it. It is not necessary that you have to wait for the credit crunch to get over so that you can pay off debts at your own pace. The sooner you become debt free, the better it is. The main reason is it enables you to enjoy many financial benefits, which otherwise wouldn’t have been possible if you were deep in debt.

Borrowing with credit cards is one of the most expensive ways of availing credit. During the credit crunch, most of the credit card companies are trying their best to extract money from consumers. The facts that subprime lending has led to the credit crunch; lenders have become increasingly cautious about extending fresh credit to consumers.

If you are planning to reduce your monthly debt obligations, try to pay off debt with the debt relief program that will protect your credit score too. Not all debt help options are good for your credit rating. Debt consolidation has a positive effect on your credit score. If you are trying to pay off debt with debt settlement, your credit score reduced till the time you don’t make your payments to the creditors. The moment you start making payments to the creditors again, your credit rating improves again. The most damaging debt relief option is bankruptcy. Bankruptcy “paralyzes” you financially till the time your credit rating doesn’t improve again.

In many countries, governments are facing the same situation as the consumers. These countries are struggling to pay the high interest rate as their debts are expanding rapidly. This is gradually increasing the government spending for most of the countries. This is particularly true for countries like Germany and Britain, as a slight increase in interest rate means shelling out several thousand dollars.

Financial experts are of the opinion that during the year 2009 and 2010, United States’ outstanding debt could reach the USD$17 trillion mark or could be equal to 82% of the gross domestic product or GDP.

Contributed by: Max Harper

5 Steps to Your Financial Success

Looking for ways to boost your savings? With the state of the economy at present, it is sensible to stay away from new debts and return to the old fashioned routine of saving for the things you need. 2-getcash Offshore Private debit Card proffers you such ways to help you in such times.

Create a Budget: In order to save more money for reserves you must form a household budget. Start by noting down all your incoming wages, dividends from shares. Then add up approximately how much you spend on outgoings every month. Allow funds for items such as indemnity that you may pay once a year also, things like travel and car maintenance. Once you have totaled this up you will see how a great deal of money you ought to retain to save each month. Go through your expenditures and search for items where you can reduce or make some savings.

Aim for Goals: It’s much easier to stay aggravated if you have something stimulating to aspire for. Transcribe some objectives for how much you want to put aside by a definite date. Consider something you want to save for such as a vacation, a new TV or a new car. Excited that you can book that planned holiday or go and buy a brand new car once you save an adequate amount will be a big help in saving faster. Raise extra for funds by going through your home and find the things that you have not used or worn recently or things you think you will not use again and try to sell them through garage sales and so on. Put all the money you raised directly into your debit card account.

Enhance Your Interest: The next thing is choose the right savings account. Check out the range of high interest savings account products on proffer to contrast their interest rates. Often best interest rates come with the high interest online savings accounts since online banks have lower expenses and exceed these on with higher interest rates. Upon comparing a high interest savings account confirm if the interest rate is an initial offer or unending as well as any charge or penalties for withdrawing your funds.

Automate Your Investments: Rather than having to remember to save money every month and pay it into your high interest savings account, arrange a direct debit so a deposit a certain amount of money to go directly to your savings account each month. You can still make additional expenditures but this in any case guarantee your balance maintains to grow and you don’t get the probability of spending the money first.

With anticipation all this guidelines will help get you on the path to saving your money faster. Make yourself a budget, aim and set goals and get started now. With some enthusiasm and a few little amends you will discover you can get the things you want sooner than you may imagine and without the overheads and hassle of debt.

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